Science is Fun
SiF's Aims
Doing is understanding: science fun in India
The ‘Science is Fun’ is a non-profit organization (reg. no 1927-2014-2015, for reg. certificate click here) run by PhD students to provide basic science education to underprivileged children in village schools, where limited resources are available in terms of classroom and lab activities.
Exposure to science and technology by demonstration and hands-on activities.
To develop interest for science among village school kids by involving them in fun experiments.
Provide resources (books, instruments, computer training, workshops and science fairs) and fellowships for underprivilleged kids.
We also help local teachers to let them design easy and cheap experiments, so most of the activities can be further used in their schools teaching.
'SiF' has started a student fellowship program. The main aim is to motivate them for higher education and better future. In 2017 'SiF' has provided financial support to 22 students in Gonda and Lucknow areas (see the list of students received the fellowship).
For other questions and comments email us at sciencefunteam@gmail.com and at our facebook page 'Science is Fun'